We are powerful.
But our power won’t matter if we aren’t counted.
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The 2020 election isn’t over. Both Georgia Senate seats are still up for grabs-and they will help determine who gets the power in Congress. No matter where you are, you can help empower our family of Black voters in the Peachtree state.
This election season, we want to ensure that whatever is about YOU isn’t decided WITHOUT you. The first step? Check Your Registration. If you need to re-register, now is the time to do so. Then? Make your plan. Many states have early voting, vote by mail, or information about your polling location available right now: get ready to take action. Finally, show up. Coordinate with your family, your job, your church or your neighbors to make sure that not only do you get to the polls-the rest of our people do, too. After that? Show up at public meetings and hold officials accountable to your community’s vision.
Find Your Polling Place
Reclaiming Your Vote Starts Here.
Register to Vote
Turning 18 before January 5, 2021? Haven’t registered in Georgia before?
Make Sure Your Vote Counts
Check Your Registration Status.

Restore Your Vote: I have a felony conviction. Can I vote?

Many people wonder, “can I vote with a felony conviction?” and assume the laws have restricted their rights. But that’s not true! While many states have some restrictions on felony voting rights, most states restore the right to vote to citizens after they complete their sentences.
Why voting is much bigger than the Presidency. You have the power to choose our Sheriffs, our Police Chiefs, our District Attorneys, our Mayors and our Judges.
Black Voters have the power to determine election outcomes-and the future of our country. Take 60 seconds and tell us the change you want to see for Black America. Answer a few quick questions and tell us what you want our future to look like.
Each submission will receive a limited edition #ReclaimYourVote t-shirt and mask while supplies last.

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Last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania is Monday, April 22, 2019


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